What are your office hours? The office is open and staffed Monday thru Friday from 9 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Our phone is (570) 286-6301. If no one is available to take your call, an answering machine will take your messages, or you can send an email to faithumcsunbury@verizon.net. If you would like to speak with the pastor, he is usually in his office at the church on Tuesday & Thursday mornings from 9-11. 

Where can I park? There is a parking lot adjacent to the church with a designated area along the fence for handicap parking. All spaces are available for Sunday morning services. Monday thru Saturday the numbered spaces are rented by The Daily Item employees. Metered parking spaces and lots are available on the streets within a block of the church.

What doors are open? On Sunday mornings the 2nd street and the elevator entrance doors adjacent to the parking lot will be open.

What can I expect during the worship service? Click here for detailed information.

Is childcare provided or available during the worship service? After the worship service opening and the children’s sermon, children are welcome to stay in the sanctuary with their parents. A nursery, located on the left after exiting the elevator, is equipped with toys & books. A crib and changing table is also available if needed. The room is available to use, but is not currently staffed during worship.

Are there any special accommodations?

  • An elevator is accessible from the parking lot and allows access to the main and lower levels.
  • A handicap accessible restroom is located on the main level of our building.
  • Hearing-assistance devices are available from the ushers for those persons who would like to use one.
  • Large-print hymnals are available at the rear of the sanctuary for those who are visually impaired.
  • Rocking chairs are available for persons with special health concerns.

I am unable to attend services. How can donations be given to the church? You may write a check and send it by mail to the church, or you can click on the blue DONATE button located near the bottom of the home page. You may also use your cell phone to scan our QR code. Before you can donate online you need to create a profile by clicking on the create your online profile button that is located on the donation form. If you have any questions about electronic giving you may call the church during office hours, or email anytime.


In person, via US mail, or online…your donations are ALWAYS appreciated. Your giving is an act of worship and helps make possible our ministry of changing lives, transforming communities and renewing the church.



Faith United Methodist Church • 203 Arch Street Sunbury, PA 17801 • (570) 286-6301

